Be Well with Lex


Hi! I'm Alexa!

Hi friends, and welcome to my website! My name’s Alexa, and in a nutshell I’m very passionate about nutrition, fitness, and motivating others towards a path for overall wellness. I’ve created this blog for many reasons. The past few years I’ve gotten into playing around with food in the kitchen. This lead to taking pictures of my food for fun and posting them to my personal instagram account. After many positive comments from friends and family, my few pictures turned into an instagram account fully geared towards food, nutrition, and recipes, which has turned into this new adventure. I’ve created this space for me, but also for you!

So…what got me here?

My relationship with food was up and down for many years. As a kid, I was a SUPER picky eater. If it was up to me, I would’ve eaten french toast and pizza every day if I could. The older I got, the more my taste buds changed. I started listening to my body and realized greasy and processed foods DO make me feel like shit (shocker). Come my college years, I became a little obsessed with tracking food and counting calories. I moved away from home to study ballet and pursue a professional career. Because of my ballet background and the level I was at, food calories and weight were always thrown in my face. I never had an eating disorder, but looking back now I didn’t have a super healthy relationship with food (like many of you out there). I would count calories, but wouldn’t focus on filling my calories with nutrient dense, REAL FOODS. I could’ve nourished my body a lot better than I did. I ended up changing career paths which led me to the exercise science and nutrition field.

Over the past few months I’ve made some big changes with food. Moving towards a plant based lifestyle and focusing on real foods has finally given me more peace with food. I don’t count calories (yes, there is a time and place for this) and I pay more attention to fullness and hunger cues. No, I’m not perfect. Yes, I treat myself…you have to live a little! Life is about balance and figuring out what makes you happy and feel your best.

With love,

Alexa ❤

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